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Who Slays the Dragon

Oh gentle Lord, oh voice that is so soft, oh jewel within my soul

Makes me come where I could not come and pass to where I could not go.

Upon my brow, Your hand my God, is a whisper in the wind.

As breath brings life, it soothes, it heals, what was shattered by the inn.


Fall away, what earth has made and what the darkness holds.

It was not for thee that I was made but for the God who made my soul.

It is He Who calls me now. It is He Who takes my part.

He comes to claim what is His alone, the master of my heart.


Oh pain that speaks of God, that sweetness stirs within, 

The foretaste of His worst I choose against the treasures of the inn. 

There are pains that lead to death and those that lead to life. 

It is His pain that will draw me past the watchman of the night.


There is no wine to fill this cup, no hand to fill this glove. 

What gives my soul its hope to dream that was not born in love?

There is but one Who comes to slay what feeds upon my soul.

He alone will take my part and He alone I know.

I know Him from the day I rose against the darkness of my fears

But evil that His hope will end is all that I could hear.

And when the floods came over me a moment did I know

My Father’s arms that formed the sea and never let me go.


Oh evil fear that pulls away Oh wretched lie believed,

Oh Blessed God Who holds me fast my trembling He relieves.

He came without the need of shield, of armor or of sword.

His countenance, not for dragons made but for children of the Lord.


And now His hand has reached me down into that same abyss

That I might touch who suffer there with the sweetness of His kiss.

So gentle is this humble one. So tender is His heart.

What evil can befall a man that does not turn to art?

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